The U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority

The FLRA is charged with providing leadership in establishing policies and guidance related to federal sector labor-management relations and with resolving disputes under, and ensuring compliance with, the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute. Supporting those efforts presented WebFirst with opportunities to assist the FLRA in making significant changes to the current content model and contributing to a more efficient site publishing workflow. WebFirst collaborated with the Product Owner to enable change management and stakeholder engagement activities.

WebFirst supported FLRA's digital initiatives, including several website upgrades from Drupal versions 6, 7, and 8 to version 10. The collaboration between the agency and WebFirst underscores our commitment to innovation and stewardship in government technology solutions. Part of that meant the latest upgrade to Drupal 10 would also include a redesign to closely align with the latest U.S. Web Design System (USWDS 3), Section 508, and IDEA Act standards.

Our comprehensive services for the FLRA included development, web support and maintenance, help desk, and training - with a focus on a custom Content Management System (CMS). Tailored to simplify the accessibility of Authority Decisions, and enhance the efficiency of content management for FLRA staff, the website facilitates easier upload and management of a substantial collection of PDF documents. This also included migrating over 8,000 decision files using custom scripts and configurations of the Drupal Migrate module.

Furthermore, our team developed Drupal modules to manage RSS feeds, content display Views, and decision search capabilities specifically designed for legal terms and punctuation. Our Customer Experience (CX) team and User Experience (UX) Designer implemented USWDS with Storybook and developed a cohesive, component-driven architecture.

These components allow the team to utilize atomic design principles to maximize reusability and enable automated UI accessibility testing. Our team continues to monitor the site for vulnerabilities and provides timely patches, as needed. 

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