Growing Goals, Focused Strategy
Founded by President Abraham Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was created for the American people, to protect their health, well-being, and safety through what they need most: food. From promoting innovation and development in agriculture to preservation of natural resources and conservation, the USDA works tirelessly to help us all.
As the purview of the USDA expanded, it never wavered from its primary aim of caring for the health and well-being of the country. Now made up of 29 agencies and nearly 100,000 employees spread out over 4,500 locations, new methods are needed to carry out each goal. the USDA came to WebFirst with a goal of redeveloping the new website in Drupal 8. The new website should address the needs of a wide variety of audiences—from rural development to the Foreign Agricultural Service. When we at WebFirst were contacted, we recognized the challenge we’d face, but working closely with members of the USDA we were able to answer that challenge.