Data Visualization and Informatics

WebFirst has experience utilizing both open source as well as commercial software to turn data into simple to understand relationships. We have the experience to integrate these visualization technologies seamlessly into a Content Management Framework allowing your organization to communicate your data in a easy-to-understand way! We understand the latest visualization technologies:
Google Charts

With an Eye on the Aesthetics

Data Visualization encompasses many disciplines – involving the creation and study of the visual representation of Data. By creating clean and engaging charts, graphs or maps to visualize large amounts of complex data, the human brain can process this data more efficiently and easily. With our strong UX/UI design process, we communicate the data with optimal effectiveness.
Data Visualization


Where does informatics Come in? The term “informatics” broadly describes the study and practice of creating, storing, finding, manipulating and sharing information. We’ve been highly successful creating sites that allow researchers to search biomedical information, find a dataset and then visualize the data to create a deeper understanding of how research dollars are spent.
Data Visualization

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